
supernatural | ˌso͞opərˈnaCH(ə)rəl |


(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature: a supernatural being.

• unnaturally or extraordinarily great: a woman of supernatural beauty.

noun (the supernatural)

manifestations or events considered to be of supernatural origin.

New Oxford American Dictionary

Below you can hear short clips of my "Supernatural" Album. All I ask is that you don't download, sell, distribute or reproduce any part of it without my express written consent. Thanks and enjoy! JRW 21...This album is Electronic-High Energy-Dance-And Heavy Beats Music. 

1. "Thick" 8 26.mp3

1.Thick  8:27

2. "Big" 5 22.mp3

2.Big  5:24

3. "Full" (light version).mp3

3.Full  6:13

4. "High Riser" 3 41.mp3

4.High Riser  3:43

5. "Hip Short Hop" 4 45.mp3

5.Hip Short Hop  4:47

6. "Messy" 5 52 (light version).mp3

6.Messy  6:14

7. "Cream Toenail Moon" 4 16.mp3

7.Cream Toenail Moon  4:17

8. "Moving Along" 4 10.mp3

8.Moving Along  4:11

9. "Short Road" 1 51.mp3

9.Moving Along  4:11

10. "Tiny Caramel" 2 55.mp3

10.Tiny Caramel  2:57

11. "Hard Clap" 1 48.mp3

11.Hard Clap  1:50

12. "Apollo" 5 50.mp3

12.Apollo  5:51

13. "Image" 4 30.mp3

13.Image  4:30

14. "Robox" 4 33.mp3

14.Robox  4:33

15. "Boiler" 4 34.mp3

15.Boiler  4:35

16. "Slow to Rise" 5 00.mp3

16.Slow to Rise  5:00

17. "Remembering" 3 27.mp3

17.Remembering  3:28

18. "Short Track" 3 28.mp3

18.Short Track

19. "Heavy Sweet" (light version).mp3

19.Heavy Sweet  10:11

20. "Steadfast".mp3

20.Steadfast  4:53

21. "Supernatural".mp3

21.Supernatural  3:49